Jacob is now 14 years old. In less than 2 years he will be driving. Just two short years ago, he was still a little boy...at least I thought he was. But now there is no denying, Jacob is growing up. He has taken to calling himself Jake. That's fine because I had intended to call him Jake the whole time I was pregnant with him. He's been Jacob, Jake, Jake-Jake, J, JJ, Jay-G, Jake the Snake, Bunk, and heaven knows what else we have called him at any given time. Most of all though, I'm proud to call him my son.

Jacob hates to have his picture taken, so it's very hard to get a good one of him. He is such a handsome boy to me, and his heart is his best feature. He's a smart kid, with a lot of self-motivation, and he has a knack for making his teachers fall in love with him. He is in the 9th grade and is enjoying high school. He has started having a social life and is loving his youth group. This weekend he is zip lining in the Georgia mountains! He just got his braces off and has been shaving since Christmas. Man, I feel old! He is way taller than I am, and has a set of shoulders like you wouldn't believe. Everyone thinks he is going to be taller than his dad, and they wear the same shoe size now. He is becoming more confident every day, and has a great sense of humor...

Ok, I admit, I made him take that picture, but you have to admit, it is funny! Jake is a great kid, and I know that no matter where he goes, he is going to behave himself. He is smart enough to save the bad stuff for home! He has grown up way too fast, and all the good qualities that he has, I know we had very little to do with them. He's a great kid in spite of his parents. I know that the next few years will be very exciting for him, and hard for me. Part of it I'm probably going to want to fast forward through, and part of it I'm going to want to pass as slowly as possible. I can't believe that he will be an "adult" in four short years. But I know if the next few years pass as quickly as the last 14 have, it will be time for him to go off to college in a blink. I think I miss him already!
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