Today, my baby girl turned 10 years old. Ten years... that's a long time. So how did it go by so fast? I remember so much about that day, but I've also forgotten so much about what it was like to have a little baby. I realized today when I was feeding Gage that I couldn't barely remember what it was like to feed my babies. Oh how I wish I could go back to those moments. I wouldn't want to stay in them, because our lives are in such a good place now, but I really wish I had savored those moments. I've got to make a point to savor the ones now. Here is a picture of one of those sweet moments...Paige holding Maddi today.

Paige's big birthday celebration was our trip to Memphis, but she had to have a party on her big day! We had a yummy dinner with our dear friends, and I made Paige a chocolately chocolate cake with chocolate icing...and a little extra chocolate thrown in for good measure! Both of my sisters called during cake and presents, and Paige was seranaded by her cousins. She has been adequately spoiled for one more year! Happy Birthday Paigie Waigie! You are much loved!
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