I didn't get to participate in the Guest Room Edition, because I have two guests who will be staying in my spare bedrooms for at least 18 years! I also didn't get to participate in the Kitchen Edition because I couldn't get my act together in time, but since my dining room and kitchen are together, I did sneak in some pics of my kitchen!
Here is the dining floor. I think it's beautiful! We originally had carpet, and had a little bit of the wood floor from the kitchen left over. The wood has been discontinued, so we couldn't get more to replace the carpet with. My wonderful husband made a border around the room with the wood and tiled inside the border. I love it!
This is the view from the back door entry hall, and the French doors go to the screened in porch and pool area.
Here is the view from the kitchen. I love how open it is. We usually eat at the bar, but when we have guests, we serve the food on the bar.
And here is the opposite view from the dining room looking back into the kitchen.

This round table is very special to me because it belonged to a dear friend who is in Heaven now.
My china cabinet belonged to my Granny.
This is another one of my favorite parts of the room. This was originally a den, but I repurposed it as the dining room and turned the original dining/living room combination into our family room. My husband didn't like my idea because "you aren't supposed to have a fireplace in the dining room". But I love how it turned out, and I think that he does too...secretly.
This round table is very special to me because it belonged to a dear friend who is in Heaven now.
Of all of the special pieces of furniture in this room, this is truly my favorite. This desk is the last Christmas present my mother ever gave me. She saw me admire it at a flea market, and then gave it to me months later for Christmas...much to my surprise!
I hope you enjoyed the tour of my dining room. There are things I'd love to change about it...1971 panelling, obviously, but I love the room so much, that I hardly even notice that any more. Have a great weekend and feel free to comment!
I DO love that floor! and your rafters are awesome
I absolutely love your round table. If I ever have to get a new table...it will be round! Love your floor too!
Very nicely done room!
I love the tile that your husband did(my 7 year old agrees as well :). My husband and I want to put wood beams on our ceiling in our new house. I love those! Have a great weekend.
Many Blessings,
I agree, the floor is great! I also love that desk, its even more special thanks to the story behind it! Thanks for sharing!
I think it's nice that you have such special pieces in your room. That's a beautiful table.
Thanks for the sentimental explanations, too. :)
I love your dining room. :)
I love the floor what a neat idea! I think a fireplace in a dining room would be a wonderful thing! :) Thanks for sharing!
What a great gathering space. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to have a fireplace in any room in my house!
I loved the whole room and the panelling adds, I really wouldn't change it at all. I'm wanting to redo my kitchen and your floor gave me a great id. Thanks
I love the floor! What a neat idea. I'm going to tuck that idea in the back of my brain for the future! :-)
I love the floor. Your dinnig room looks "old world " with the fireplace; It all fits so well. I think if you want to do something with the paneling you should paint it. I LOVE painted paneling! I bet if you visited THE NESTER you could get help with color and how to do it correctly. It would be beautiful.
I love the fireplace...so charming and cozy!!
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